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Trigger warning : Cobwebs

If you suffer extreme arachnophobia, you may not wish to see cobwebs. This is probably only a mild trigger warning to most of you, but I thought it best to warn of this content.

I find spiders to be quite fascinating, but most of the time, it's easier to see their webs when they are away for their hunting, or mating, or just deserted their homes for greener pastures. 

Some of these shots were taken from afar, with maximum zoom. In those instances, I was hiking and had too many bushes between me and the webs, hence a lesser clarity. 

This was the case of the next 2 photos, edited to reduce the amount of green leaf in the overall view, and adding darkness for atmosphere. 

Then, I found that I can create an artistic representation, using the invert* command, which reverses bright and dark areas, and swaps hues with their complementary colors, seen in this third photo, whilst the fourth image shows the result with value invert* where it's only the luminosity that is inverted. 

 (* these send to external links on gimp help files I found online) 

As you can see, both appear like drawings would be!

Next is an image with no artistic alterations. The edit exacerbates only slightly the black levels, and contrast. It's almost like a whirl of particles around the plant that got caught in the web. 

Following image is from a cemetery. I find it's much better in the artistic expression which comes after, for which I used Gimp's MAP > Illusion tool, set at mode 1, with 51 illusions. 

I really like how these 51 illusions give it a look of a whirl-wind, a storm at sea, but the illusion is quite well done, with minimal effort.

Sometimes, a mediocre image can be turned to an artform. I mean, this one here, it doesn't seem all that nice, does it ? 

& now, it's so much more vibrant and a bit mysterious, I find!

Same thing with this one, a bit boring, though less so than the previous un-treated

However, it makes one of my favorite results once treated, it looks like an electrical storm! 

How about the same with invert and value invert ? 

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